4 word short deep quotes

The quote "Understanding a question is half an answer," attributed to Socrates, emphasizes the importance of comprehension in the process of seeking knowledge. It suggests that before one can arrive at a solution or response, it is crucial to deeply understand the question being asked. This understanding helps clarify the context and implications of the query, guiding the thinker toward a more informed and thoughtful answer. Essentially, it highlights that the journey to knowledge begins with grasping the essence of the problem or inquiry at hand.

Quote By: Socrates

About Socrates:

Socrates (c. 470-399 BCE) was an ancient Greek philosopher who is often considered one of the founders of Western philosophy. He is best known for his Socratic method, a form of dialogue that involves asking probing questions to stimulate critical thinking and illuminate ideas. Socrates left no written works; our knowledge of his teachings and life primarily comes from the accounts of his students, notably Plato and Xenophon, and he was ultimately sentenced to death for allegedly corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety.

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