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Do not shake a green apple tree – when the apples are ripe, they will fall on their own. - deep quotes about life
Author: C. JoyBell C.
#deep quotes about life
A fool is one who cannot hide his wisdom. - deep quotes about life
Author: Thomas Hardy
A fish is killed by its open mouth. - deep quotes about life
Author: Lao Tzu
Steinbeck: Life has taught me one thing: if you're in trouble, in pain, or hungry, ask a poor person for help they will help you, no one else will. - deep quotes about life
Author: John Steinbeck
Molière: Never marry a woman whose mother you dislike eventually, she will behave just like her. - deep quotes about life
Author: Molière
Puzo: When a group of people laughs, each person instinctively looks at the one they like the most. - deep quotes about life
Author: Mario Puzo
Seneca: If you lend a man a little money, he is your debtor; if you lend him a lot, he becomes your enemy. - deep quotes about life
Author: Seneca
Reynard: The definition of stupidity: knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing lies. - deep quotes about life
Author: Reynard
Aesop: Never respond to anyone when angry; never make promises when happy; never make decisions when sad. - deep quotes about life
Author: Aesop
Voltaire: The fate of a kind person is like that of a tree people seek its shelter in storms, but break its branches in sunshine. - deep quotes about life
Author: Voltaire
Wilde: If a person stands out for their intelligence or an outstanding trait, malicious tongues will soon rise against them. - deep quotes about life
Author: Oscar Wilde
Twain: You can silence forty scientists with one fact, but you will never silence one fool, even with forty facts. - deep quotes about life
Author: Mark Twain
Dostoevsky: You should not grant people more dignity than they deserve, or they will prove to you that you made a cruel mistake. - deep quotes about life
Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Terry Pratchett: A man who can be bought is usually worth nothing. - deep quotes about life
Author: Terry Pratchett