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Discover the best quotes about quotes inspirational on love, life, success, and happiness. Stay inspired with positive sayings at QuotesInspo.com.
Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic. – Frida Kahlo - quotes inspirational
Author: Frida Kahlo
#quotes inspirational
Respect yourself and others will respect you. - confucius - quotes inspirational
Author: Confucius
Any tool can be a weapon if you know how to use it. - quotes inspirational
Author: Scott Lynch
He who is not contented with what he has would not be contented with what he desires. – Socrates - quotes inspirational
Author: Socrates
Care for your soul, for it is the essence of being human. – Socrates - quotes inspirational
You are your own teacher. - quotes inspirational
Author: Pema Chödrön
Do not fear wild animals; fear bad friends. A wild animal harms only the body, but a bad friend harms the soul. - quotes inspirational
Author: Prov. 13:20
At the end of the road is freedom. Until then patience. - quotes inspirational
Author: Vera Nazarian
The universe knows what is best. Sooner or later, it brings the right people together and separates us from those who are unnecessary. - quotes inspirational
Author: Khalil Gibran
He who thinks he can, can. - quotes inspirational
Author: Napoleon Hill
There is no attachment – ??there is no suffering. - quotes inspirational
Author: David R. Hawkins
The world comes from within; do not search for it outside. - quotes inspirational
Author: Rumi
But remember yourself: each person is their own stimulant. - quotes inspirational
Author: Osho
If you’re not born anew every day, then you’re dying all your life. – Bob Dylan - quotes inspirational
Author: Bob Dylan
Before God, every sin is like a pebble in the sea. There is no sin greater than repentance. – John Chrysostom - quotes inspirational
Author: John Chrysostom