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quote positive vibes

Discover the best quotes about quote positive vibes on love, life, success, and happiness. Stay inspired with positive sayings at QuotesInspo.com.

Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.

#quote positive vibes

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Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them. – Bob Dylan

#quote positive vibes

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Choose positivity and see how your life transforms.

#quote positive vibes

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The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up. – Mark Twain

#quote positive vibes

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Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.

#quote positive vibes

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Positivity is a choice that becomes a lifestyle.

#quote positive vibes

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Every great idea is born during a walk. – Friedrich Nietzsche

#quote positive vibes

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Radiate positivity and watch the world around you light up.

#quote positive vibes

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Embrace the glorious mess that you are.   Elizabeth Gilbert

#quote positive vibes

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Shauna Niequist: When life is great, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.

#quote positive vibes

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Steven Aitchison: I want to thank every person who has ever treated me poorly because you taught me to be even kinder to others.

#quote positive vibes

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Neale Donald Walsch: The struggle ends where gratitude begins.

#quote positive vibes

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Dalai Lama: Realize that great love and great achievements require great risk.

#quote positive vibes

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Dalai Lama: If a problem can be solved, there’s no need to worry. If it can’t, worrying is useless.

#quote positive vibes

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Dalai Lama: If in doubt, take the next small step forward.

#quote positive vibes

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