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freaky quotes (Page 2)

A daughter won't stay in her father's house, even if you put her in a golden cradle.

#freaky quotes

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Those who befriend a crow will end up in manure.

#freaky quotes

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In a fool’s eyes, the wise are fools.

#freaky quotes

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Don’t die, donkey; spring will come, and the grass will grow.

#freaky quotes

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No matter how long you protect a pig, it will end up under the knife.

#freaky quotes

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As the snake is, so are its offspring.

#freaky quotes

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Feeding a donkey is a sin, not a virtue.

#freaky quotes

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A good husband is healthy and never at home. - Japanese Proverb

#freaky quotes

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A woman laughs when she feels like it and cries when she wants to. - German Proverb

#freaky quotes

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Sex is God’s joke on humankind.

#freaky quotes

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God gave us a brain and a penis, but not enough blood to control both.

#freaky quotes

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Women need a reason for sex; men need only a place.

#freaky quotes

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What is not worth reading twice is not worth reading at all. - Max Weber

#freaky quotes

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The greatest insult for a man is to be called a fool; for a woman, it is to be called unattractive. - Immanuel Kant

#freaky quotes

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People think they are good when they are doing well. (Landau)

#freaky quotes

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