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deep quotes about life

Read the most inspiring quotes by André Gide on love, life, success, and happiness. Find wisdom and positivity on QuotesInspo.com.

Quotes by André Gide

About André Gide

André Gide (1869-1951) was a renowned French author and Nobel Prize laureate in literature, celebrated for his exploration of moral complexity and individual freedom in his works. A prominent figure in the literary movement of modernism, Gide's most notable works include "The Immoralist," "The Counterfeiters," and his autobiographical writings, which challenged societal norms and delved into issues of sexuality and identity. His influential thoughts on personal authenticity and the nature of desire continue to resonate in literary and philosophical discourses today.

A person remains human only as long as they defend their freedom against both internal and external obstacles.

#deep quotes about life

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