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good morning and motivation quotes

Read the most inspiring quotes by Albert Camus on love, life, success, and happiness. Find wisdom and positivity on QuotesInspo.com.

Quotes by Albert Camus

About Albert Camus

Albert Camus was a French philosopher, author, and journalist, born on November 7, 1913, in Mondovi, Algeria. He is best known for his contributions to existentialism and absurdism, particularly through works such as "The Stranger," "The Myth of Sisyphus," and "The Plague." Camus received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957 for his profound exploration of human existence, and he remains a significant figure in 20th-century literature and thought until his death in 1960.

Start your day with a smile and a positive thought; every sunrise is a new opportunity.

#good morning and motivation quotes

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