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Read the most inspiring quotes by George Washington Carver on love, life, success, and happiness. Find wisdom and positivity on QuotesInspo.com.

Quotes by George Washington Carver

About George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver (c. 1864-1943) was an American scientist, educator, and inventor best known for his pioneering work in agricultural science and sustainable farming practices. Born into slavery in Missouri, he rose to prominence at Tuskegee Institute, where he developed crop rotation methods and advocated for the cultivation of alternative crops such as peanuts and sweet potatoes, which improved soil health and helped boost the economy of the South. Carver's innovative research and dedication to the agricultural community earned him recognition as one of the most influential scientists of his time.

Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. – George Washington Carver

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