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positive vibes quotes

Read the most inspiring quotes by Coco Chanel on love, life, success, and happiness. Find wisdom and positivity on QuotesInspo.com.

Quotes by Coco Chanel

About Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel, born Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel on August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France, was a pioneering French fashion designer and businesswoman renowned for her timeless contributions to women's fashion. She revolutionized the industry with her modernist approach, introducing the iconic Chanel No. 5 perfume, the Chanel suit, and the little black dress, which emphasized comfort and elegance over the restrictive styles of the 19th century. Chanel's legacy continues to influence fashion, symbolizing liberation and chic simplicity, establishing her as one of the most significant figures in fashion history until her death in 1971.

A woman should wear perfume wherever she wants to be kissed. – Coco Chanel

#positive vibes quotes

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