Spread Joy and Wisdom with Every Quote
A person remains human only as long as they defend their freedom against both internal and external obstacles. - deep quotes about life
Author: André Gide
#deep quotes about life
Freedom is the eternal goal of humanity. - deep quotes about life
Author: Martin Luther King Jr.
The soul is liberated through knowledge. - deep quotes about life
Author: Bhagavad Gita
Truth begins with doubt. - deep quotes about life
Author: Paul Ricoeur
There is more evil in fear than in the thing you fear. - deep quotes about life
Author: James Thurber
He who feels indebted to you can never truly be your friend. - deep quotes about life
Author: Albert Camus
He who lies often strives to appear honest in the eyes of others. - deep quotes about life
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist. – George Carlin - deep quotes about life
Author: George Carlin
Anger and rage are signs of weakness. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau - deep quotes about life
Author: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A person’s entire morality lies in their intentions. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau - deep quotes about life
You will never raise a wise man if you suppress mischief in a child. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau - deep quotes about life
To love means to forget oneself. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau - deep quotes about life
When you think you're deceiving others, you're only deceiving yourself. – Osho - deep quotes about life
Author: Osho
If a person fears death, know this they have missed out on life. – Osho - deep quotes about life
Don't run from yourself; you can't be anyone else. – Osho - deep quotes about life