Spread Joy and Wisdom with Every Quote
An old person sees poorly but sees much. - deep quotes about life
Author: Bertolt Brecht
#deep quotes about life
Dalai Lama: Don’t let minor grievances destroy a friendship. - deep quotes about life
Author: Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama: Walk every day. Miracles are everywhere. - deep quotes about life
Dalai Lama: If we gathered all our problems and compared them to others' problems, we would immediately take back our own. - deep quotes about life
Dalai Lama: It doesn’t matter if the situation is good or bad it will change. - deep quotes about life
G. Gurdjieff: Do not judge a person based on what others say about them. - deep quotes about life
Author: G. Gurdjieff
G. Gurdjieff: Help only those who are not idle. - deep quotes about life
G. Gurdjieff: An infallible sign of a good person is that they love their father and mother. - deep quotes about life
La Rochefoucauld: True bravery is doing without witnesses what you would do to impress others. - deep quotes about life
Author: La Rochefoucauld
Garnezia: The golden days were when gold did not rule. - deep quotes about life
Author: Garnezia
Napoleon: True wealth is not the size of one's fortune but the wisdom in its use. - deep quotes about life
Author: Napoleon Bonaparte
Bacon: Thoughts, like people, have their youth. - deep quotes about life
Author: Francis Bacon
Schiller: Truth is not diminished by someone refusing to accept it. - deep quotes about life
Author: Friedrich Schiller
Dussole: If I cannot rule the world, I will at least rule myself. - deep quotes about life
Author: Dussole
Tolstoy: A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy, for you avoid the enemy, but trust the friend. - deep quotes about life
Author: Leo Tolstoy