Spread Joy and Wisdom with Every Quote
You will attend a school called 'Life on Planet Earth.' Every person and event will be your universal teacher. - deep quotes about life
Author: Alice Walker
#deep quotes about life
You can’t fill solitude with memories; you only burden it further. - deep quotes about life
Author: Gabriel García Márquez
When you respect your talent, you won’t resort to methods used to sway the masses. - deep quotes about life
Author: Zadie Smith
Why fight passions? They are the best thing on Earth, the source of heroism, inspiration, poetry, music, art everything. - deep quotes about life
Author: Albert Camus
Love should bring happiness, but if it doesn’t, it means the person made a mistake. - deep quotes about life
Author: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Everything fades even misfortune. - deep quotes about life
Author: Virgil
Repentance is good, but not doing wrong is better. - deep quotes about life
Author: Marcus Aurelius
Slander is the last refuge of the powerless. - deep quotes about life
Author: Philip Roth
Marriage is like a besieged fortress; those inside want to escape, and those outside want to break in. - deep quotes about life
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Everyone sympathizes with their friends in misfortune, but only a few are happy for their success. - deep quotes about life
Author: A. D. Williams
The tragedy of old age is not that one grows old, but that one remains young at heart. - deep quotes about life
Author: Oscar Wilde
People always destroy what they love most. - deep quotes about life
Author: James Baldwin
I’ve heard so much slander about you that I’m certain you must be a wonderful person! - deep quotes about life
Author: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Nowadays, people know the price of everything but the value of nothing. - deep quotes about life
We all want to be happy and understood. Let some love with their eyes, others with their ears, but the heart is the organ of love for all! - deep quotes about life
Author: Khalil Gibran